Valley Hi Clubhouse Study

Planning Phase

The process is underway to find the best solutions for our aging facilities.

While we have been able to maintain the clubhouse with funding from our operating budget, the facility is now experiencing larger failures in the roofing system, HVAC, electrical, plumbing and waste systems. These issues are difficult to repair without replacing the entire system as parts are no longer available.

Another goal is asbestos abatement. We are currently reviewing options that would allow us to make improvements with available funding.

Valley Hi is a self-supporting enterprise operation that funds its operations through revenue generated by the golf course and its amenities.  We must take into consideration these constraints as part of our planning process. We have hired a company called Design Edge to study the situation and create a proposal with cost effective, potential solutions. We expect to receive the proposed options by the end of this year.

Project Description

The existing Proshop/Restaurant building is in a state of disrepair with several failing systems.

Valley Hi management is considering several potential courses of action to provide a working proshop and restaurant for golfers and other partner users.

An existing pool house is also being considered for relocation of the proshop/restaurant.

The purpose of this study will be to provide management with adequate information so they can make informed decisions on the future course of action.


We value your opinion and will provide opportunities for input in early 2023.

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