PlanCOS Chapter Three: Unique Places

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PlanCOS Vision

Centers on a vibrant Downtown and it strengthened by our investment in walkable, healthy, and magnetic activity centers that are located in new and reinvented areas throughout our city.

Key Strategies

  • Update development requirements and adopt design standards
  • Identify, promote and support redevelopment and infillDevelopment of vacant land within previously built areas. These areas are already served by public infrastructures, such as transportation and utilities. Parks and open space are also considered infill, since they are permanent uses for vacant parcels. opportunities
  • Implement Experience Downtown Master PlanA plan for the development of a portion of the city that contains proposed land uses, a generalized transportation system, and the relationship of the area included in the plan to surrounding property.
  • Implement public, non-profit and private partnerships

Importance of Unique Places

Colorado Springs has many interesting places to shop, eat, work, recreate, meet up with friends, and otherwise experience our great city. Our vision is to have more of them. As our city and region continue to grow in area and population, it will be all the more important to keep and create unique and special places throughout our community. Together these places create the fabric for a well-functioning city.

Each of these places should have a unique combination of characteristics that contribute to making our entire city more livable, desirable, and sustainable. These centers of activity are the man-made counterparts to our city's majestic natural setting. 

Our legacy of places is continually evolving within the city's diverse areas. Distinct places reinforce our cultural identity and support a strong economy. They are essential for a robust and healthy community life. It is important that each of these older, emerging, or new places sustain and enhance their appearance, character, and function. We can accomplish this by recognizing and supporting the aspects that make them valued by residents and visitors alike.

We need to proactively support and enhance these existing and valued unique places in more mature areas of our city, and ensure that more of these places are created in newly developing areas. Our vision of placemaking should be applied enthusiastically and broadly across the city. However, the details of how we best create and support these places should be expected to vary based on their particular context.